Медиа маркт оренбург официальный сайт


Адрес магазина Медиа Маркт Оренбург Армада

г. Оренбург, Мегамолл «Армада» Шарлыкское шоссе, д. 1

Медиа маркт оренбург официальный сайт

Тел.: +7 (3532) 540 800

Как добраться на общественном транспорте: Автобусы № 61, 41, 17, 63, 45, 33, 36, 44, 21, 15, 58, 157, 158

Адрес магазина Медиа Маркт Оренбург Гулливер

г. Оренбург, ТРК "Гулливер" ул. Новая, д. 4

Медиа маркт оренбург официальный сайт

Тел.: +7 (3532) 946800

Общественный транспорт: Автобус 17, 18, 27,29, 32, 33, 38, 39, до ост. Ликос (Новая) На автомобиле: По ул. Пролетарская до перекрестка ул. Пролетарская и ул. Новая; Если с ул. Терешковой через ул. Новая или Хабаровская до ул. Пролетарская Если с пр-та победы: 1) через ул. Шевченко до ул. Пролетарская 2) через ул. Березка до ул. Хабаровская и далее по ул. Пролетарская.

Закажите на официальном сайте, заберите в магазине Media Markt Оренбург

  • Товар резервируется на имя покупателя и ждет на стойке выдачи интернет-заказов. Не нужно искать его на полках магазина, его не купит кто-то другой;
  • Можно подъехать в магазин в удобное время в течение 3-х дней с момента заказа. Не нужно менять свои планы, чтобы встретить курьера;
  • Можно на месте ознакомиться со всеми характеристиками товара, проверить его, получить консультацию специалиста, подобрать аксессуары;
  • При заказе через официальный сайт Медиа-Маркт Оренбург укажите тип доставки «Самовывоз». Вы получите уведомление о том, что заказ обрабатывается в выбранном магазине. После этого с Вами свяжется наш менеджер для подтверждения заказа и уточнения деталей. Резерв товара действителен в течение 3-х дней;
  • Обратитесь на стойку информации в магазине. Для получения товара в магазине нужно назвать номер заказа;
  • Оплатите заказ наличными, банковской картой (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro) или подарочной картой MediaMarkt. При необходимости оформите доставку в магазине.

Купить холодильники, стиральные машины, смартфоны, телефоны, телевизоры, планшеты, пылесосы, ноутбуки, бытовую технику можно в интернет-магазине Медиа Маркт Оренбург

Media Markt – лидер европейского розничного рынка бытовой техники и электроники. Сеть создана в 1979 году в Мюнхене, и считается пионером современного формата «гипермаркета электроники». На сегодняшний день сеть Media Markt - это более 720 магазинов в 14 странах мира.

В России с 2006 года открыт 51 магазин в 25 городах страны: в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Казани, Екатеринбурге, Челябинске, Ростове-на-Дону, Самаре, Воронеже, Краснодаре, Тольятти, Омске, Липецке, Саратове, Набережных Челнах, Новосибирске, Оренбурге, Чебоксарах, Рязани, Ульяновске, Сургуте, Белгороде, Нижнем Новгороде, Волгограде, Иваново и Брянске. Помимо розничных магазинов Media Markt развивает собственный интернет-магазин и является участником Ассоциации компаний Интернет-торговли (АКИТ), www.akit.ru выступая за прозрачность российского рынка онлайн-торговли.

Мегамагазины Media Markt – это магазины, созданные в соответствии с европейскими стандартами, с широчайшим ассортиментом товаров от известных брендов (около 30 000 наименований техники в рознице и более 150 000 товаров на market.mediamarkt.ru), включая самые актуальные новинки рынка. Это яркие рекламные кампании, немецкий подход к качеству обслуживания, высокий уровень сервиса.

По сей день в своем развитии Media Markt держит курс на инновационность и бережное отношение к окружающей среде. Так, в августе 2013 года Media Markt первой в России открыла виртуальный магазин в московском метрополитене. В этом же году сеть во всех своих магазинах запустила масштабный проект по сбору использованных батареек от населения для последующей переработки.

Каталог товаров, акции, скидки и распродажи в магазинах Media Markt в Оренбурге

Каталог товаров с ценами в магазинах Media Markt в Оренбурге

Предложения компании Media Markt - скидки, акции и распродажи в магазинах Оренбурга

Медиа Маркт - крупная немецкая сеть бытовой техники и электроники, образованная в 1979 году. В каталоге Медиа Маркт представлена только сертифицированная и легальная техника, предназначена для реализации в России.

Медиа Маркт (Оренбург) — магазины, товары, цены

Медиа Маркт (Оренбург) – магазины бытовой техники и электроники одноименной торговой компании, которая существует на рынке уже более 30 лет. Магазины сети существуют в 14 странах мира, в том числе и в России – первые магазины в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге были открыты в 2006 году. Компания стремительно развивается, предлагая покупателям достойный ассортимент по доступным ценам. Кроме розничных магазинов, успешно функционирует интернет-магазин.

Медиа маркт оренбург официальный сайтНа официальном сайте (см. ссылку ниже в конце статьи) есть онлайн каталог товаров с ценами. В нем вы найдете: весь ассортимент компании, фотографии, технические характеристики, отзывы, аксессуары, информацию о наличии товара в магазинах сети в Оренбурге.

Каталог товаров «Медиа Маркт» содержит товары таких категорий, как: ТВ и Видео; Компьютерная техника; Фото и видео техника; Телефоны; Аудиотехника; Автотехника; Техника для дома; Техника для кухни; Встраиваемая техника; Красота и Здоровье; Игры и приставки; Музыка и Фильмы; Аксессуары.

Популярные товары:
— телевизоры; проекторы; домашние кинотеатры; мультимедийные плееры; спутниковое ТВ; DVB-T2 тюнеры; антенны; пульты;
— планшеты; ноутбуки; моноблоки; мониторы; системные блоки; электронные книги; компьютерные программы (антивирусы, Microsoft); принтеры; сканеры; Wi-Fi и сетевое оборудование;
— цифровые фотоаппараты; видеокамеры; цифровые фоторамки; объективы; фотовспышки;
— сотовые телефоны; Apple iPhone; смартфоны; фитнес-браслеты; радиотелефоны; рации; аккумуляторы; зарядные устройства; защитные пленки; кабели; карты памяти; чехлы.

Также в магазине Медиа Маркт (Оренбург) можно купить:
— музыкальные центры; магнитолы; Hi-Fi техника; наушники; MP3 плееры;
— GPS навигаторы; видеорегистраторы; радар-детекторы; автомагнитолы, усилители, колонки, сабвуферы; автомойки; автохолодильники; преобразователи напряжения; камеры заднего вида;
— стиральные машины; утюги; швейные машины; кондиционеры; вентиляторы; ручные инструменты; электроинструменты; пылесосы;
— холодильники; плиты; вытяжки; кофемашины и кофеварки; блендеры; весы кухонные; кухонные комбайны; мультиварки; мясорубки; соковыжималки; электрочайники; встраиваемая техника;
— бритвы; эпиляторы; весы; массажеры; щипцы; фены;
— DVD диски и многое другое.

Цены и акции в магазинах Медиа Маркт (Оренбург)

Медиа маркт оренбург официальный сайтЦены в магазине Медиа Маркт – вполне доступные для большинства покупателей. Можно сказать, что они средние на рынке электроники и бытовой техники – на что-то цены могут быть дешевле, чем у конкурентов, на что-то — дороже. Все зависит от производителя и вида товара.

В тоже время, существует бонусная программа, с помощью которой можно получить дополнительные привилегии. Получив бонусную карту Мedia Мarkt Club в любом магазине сети, вы сможете за каждую покупку получать бонусы (бонусами можно получить до 100% от стоимости покупки). Этими бонусами можно оплачивать следующие покупки (также до 100% от их стоимости). Также бонусная карта дает вам право на индивидуальную службу поддержки.

Кроме этого, программа лояльности магазина подразумевает частые акции и скидки, которые позволяют вам значительно сэкономить при покупке электроники и бытовой техники. Всевозможных распродаж в магазинах Медиа Маркт действительно очень много. Чтобы не пропустить интересные предложения периодически просматривайте специальный раздел официального сайта «Акции».

Если вы не знаете, что подарить вашим друзьям на праздник, то подарочная карта Медиа Маркт – идеальный подарок. Купить ее в Оренбурге можно непосредственно в магазинах сети.

Подарочная карта имеет нефиксированный номинал – баланс карты будем равен той сумме, которую вы на нее внесете в момент покупки. Впрочем, карта является пополняемой, и в течение срока годности (2 года с момента активации) ее баланс можно пополнять.

Подарочная карта Медиа Маркт может быть использована многократно. Это значит, что если сумма покупки меньше, чем баланс карты, то после оплаты остаток не «сгорает». Если же средств на карте не хватает для оплаты товары, можно произвести доплату наличным или безналичным способом (в том числе, с помощью банковских карт).

Интересной особенностью подарочных карт от компании Медиа Маркт является то, что вы в течение всего срока действия карты можете потребовать возврата денежных средств, находящихся на балансе карты.

Существует также виртуальная подарочная карта – электронный подарочный сертификат, об условиях использования которого вы можете почитать на официальном сайте.

Адреса магазинов Медиа Маркт (Оренбург)

С учетом того, что постоянно открываются новые магазины, а некоторые из старых могут закрываться или переезжать, самая актуальная информация об адресах магазинов находится в специальном разделе на официальном сайте (ссылка ниже). Не забудьте убедиться, что ваш город определился правильно, и в случае необходимости смените его.

Кроме адресов, на той же странице вы увидите их расположение на карте, график работы и контактные телефоны.

Интернет-магазин Медиа Маркт – это онлайн гипермаркет электроники и бытовой техники. В нем представлен большой ассортимент товаров по доступным ценам. На странице каждого товара вы найдете: подробное описание, технические характеристики, фотографии, актуальную цену, информацию о наличии в магазинах сети, отзывы, рекомендуемые аксессуары.

Способы доставки товара: доставка на дом или в офис сотрудниками магазина; самовывоз из магазинов Медиа Маркт или из партнерских пунктов (смотря, что ближе к вам находится). Как правило, выбирая второй способ, вы получаете товар гораздо быстрее (уже на следующий день). Доставка на дом осуществляется в течение 3 дней с момента заказа.

Способы оплаты товара: наличный расчет; оплата банковской картой; оплата бонусами; оплата при помощи подарочной карты или электронного подарочного сертификата; оплата в кредит. Как видите, вы можете выбрать наиболее подходящий для вас вариант оплаты товара, заказанного в интернет-магазине.

Вся самая подробная информации о компании и ассортименте находится на официальном сайте. Там вы найдете: каталог товаров; актуальные цены, акции и скидки; информацию о сервисе и услугах; адреса магазинов Медиа Маркт и контактные данные (телефон, карта проезда); вакансии; юридическую информацию, касаемую возврата и обмена и многое другое.

Официальный сайт магазина Медиа Маркт: mediamarkt.ru

Кроме статьи «Медиа Маркт (Оренбург) — магазины, товары, цены» вы можете ознакомиться с другими материалами:

Europe’s largest retailer for consumer electronics.

More than 800 stores with sales floors measuring up to 10,000 square meters in 14 countries around the globe are what makes MediaMarkt Europe’s undisputed Number One consumer electronics retailer. For more than 35 years, MediaMarkt has been synonymous with innovation, uncompromising customer orientation and a comprehensive range of customer and after-sales services. But sheer size alone is not the key to success.

In 1979, the company’s founders reinvented electrical goods retailing once and for all. Up until then, it was the local retailer who had the undeniable power to decide which devices to add to his product portfolio. MediaMarkt, however, demonstrated that emancipated, well-informed customers can decide for themselves which TV, stereo system or kitchen appliance they want to own. And today’s product portfolio is more persuasive than ever, comprising everything from flat-screen TVs to tablets, from smartphones to action cams, from game consoles to fully-automated coffee makers. With an average assortment of 45,000 articles in its bricks-and-mortar stores and integrated online retailing, MediaMarkt offers its customers clear, fair and reliable prices both online and offline.

Every MediaMarkt is like a permanent innovation trade fair where customers can try out and compare products – the perfect opportunity for customers to find out more about the latest innovations available on the market and evaluate them for themselves. Touching products, picking them up and trying them out is all part of the shopping experience at MediaMarkt. After all, who wants to buy a pig in a poke? This is one of the things that make MediaMarkt so irresistible to technology enthusiasts. Those who can never get enough of the latest trends and developments are in seventh heaven when they browse the shelves at MediaMarkt. The stores act as genuine magnets for tech-savvy customers, which is why a great many manufacturers use them to show-case their latest product innovations.

Omnichannel is the name of the game

MediaMarkt continues to take an innovative approach. By closely linking the online shops in all the countries in which it operates with the local bricks-and-mortar stores, customers can now decide between a number of different sales channels. Within the framework of this omnichannel strategy, MediaMarkt provides customers with a key component of modern life: flexibility. Customers can, for example, pick up purchases made online at a local MediaMarkt store the very same day, subject to availability, and take advantage of services offered at the store. Alternatively, they can obtain advice at a local store and then order online and have the products delivered to their home. Thus MediaMarkt is once again setting new standards when it comes to consumer electronics retailing. The individual combination of sales channels – i.e. omnichannel – is the name of the game at MediaMarkt. And this is first and foremost beneficial to the customers’ shopping experience as they get the best of both worlds. Whatever customers need, whenever they need it, they will find it at MediaMarkt.

Consistent service orientation

High-quality and reliable service provides the foundation for a relationship that is based on trust. Customers can rely on friendly staff to provide expert advice when selecting their products of choice. With MediaMarkt’s Service, customers can choose between a wide range of after-sales services such as the assembly and installation of TVs and household appliances or immediate technical assistance, as well as financing, extended warranties, repair services and the disposal of old devices.

Decentralized corporate structure

Not only are the omnichannel approach and high level of service orientation key components of the company’s philosophy but also its decentralized corporate structure. MediaMarkt is not a centrally controlled network of stores. Instead, each MediaMarkt store is an independent company whose local manager holds a stake of up to ten percent in his store. As a businessman and part owner, he identifies to a much greater extent with his store and has a vested interest in its success. True to the motto “all business is local”, he has a great deal of freedom to decide and act as he sees fit. He decides, for example, on the range of products he offers in his store, allowing him to cater to the needs and desires of his local customers.

Meeting the needs of its customers, industry partners and employees is part of MediaMarkt’s mission. Its employees are highly motivated and willing to work hard – and not without reason. Flat hierarchies and the opportunity for employees to contribute their own ideas are two things that are deliberately encouraged. A high level of individual responsibility and autonomy mean that employees make a significant contribution to the company’s overall success.

Milestones of our success story

It was back in 1979 that Helga and Erich Kellerhals, Walter Gunz and Leopold Stiefel came up with the brilliant idea for the very first MediaMarkt store. A huge selection of brand-name products at permanently low prices offered on a large sales area situated in a commercial zone in Munich, Germany – it was with this simple yet ingenious business idea that the four company founders hit the nail on the head.

Today, MediaMarkt can look back on a success story that spans more
than 35 years – take a look:

Located in the Euroindustriepark in Munich, Helga and Erich Kellerhals, Walter Gunz and Leopold Stiefel present a huge range of electronic products under one roof for the very first time. The idea of MediaMarkt is born.

First MediaMarkt store in Munich, Germany, 1979.

MediaMarkt opens its first store in Austria.

MediaMarkt Salzburg, Austria, 1990.

Media World is founded in Italy with the opening of the first store in the city of Bergamo.

Media World Catanzaro, Italy, 2009.

MediaMarkt expands into Switzerland with a double opening of the stores in Dietikon and Dietlikon.

MediaMarkt Conthey, Switzerland, 2004.

With “Ich bin doch nicht blöd.” (“Hey, I’m not stupid.”), MediaMarkt creates one of the best known advertising slogans of all times.

German advertising slogan, 1995.

MediaMarkt opens its first store in Hungary.

Store opening in Budapest, Hungary, 1997.

In Munich, the 100th MediaMarkt store opens its doors. In the same year, the company expands into Poland.

MediaMarkt Czeladz, Poland, 1998.

MediaMarkt celebrates its debut in Spain and the Netherlands. The Corporate Group also takes over the Media World stores in Italy.

MediaMarkt Granada, Spain, 2005.

MediaMarkt expands into Belgium.

MediaMarkt Antwerpen, Belgium, 2002.

MediaMarkt celebrates the opening of the first MediaMarkt store in Portugal.

Portuguese advertising, 2013.

The 200th MediaMarkt store opens its doors in the city of Hamburg. In the same year, the company also expands into Greece.

MediaMarkt Hamburg Altona, Germany, 2005.

In Stockholm, MediaMarkt celebrates its premiere in Sweden. Expansion into Russia is launched with the double opening of two stores in Moscow.

MediaMarkt Opening in Russia, 2006.

The first MediaMarkt store in Turkey opens its doors.

MediaMarkt opening in Istanbul Ümraniye, Turkey, 2007.

MediaMarkt celebrates its 30th anniversary. With a sales area of 10,000 square meters, the biggest MediaMarkt store in the world opens up in Munich.

MediaMarkt Store opening in Munich, 2009.

The company introduces its own brands ISY, KOENIC, PEAQ and ok., which are available at MediaMarkt stores throughout Europe.

MediaMarkt Erding, Germany, 2013

In January, MediaMarkt celebrates the launch of its German online shop.

German online shop 2012.

Europe’s most advanced and outstanding MediaMarkt store opens in Ingolstadt, seat of the corporate HQ.

MediaMarkt Ingolstadt, Germany, 2014

Virtual reality, shopping on mega-screens and a robot arm for picking online orders – MediaMarkt launches a new store concept in Barcelona that boasts a large variety of visual effects and numerous digital features

MediaMarkt Barcelona, Spain, 2016

Skilled and dedicated employees

The foundation of MediaMarkt’s success is its skilled and dedicated employees, who love the products that they sell every day. After all, that is what makes work fun, and it also pays off handsomely. Customers appreciate the expert advice and excellent service that they receive at MediaMarkt. Employees are crucial to the company’s success and important to its corporate culture. The company therefore ensures that the individual strengths of each and every employee are cultivated. Individual responsibility and an entrepreneurial mindset are encouraged, and the company offers attractive career prospects and further training opportunities. The great appreciation that the company shows to its employees has a positive impact on the way in which they deal with customers.

The career prospects are what make vocational training at MediaMarkt so very attractive to young people. The company wants to make sure that they have a pool of qualified new talent for the future. That is why many of the vocational trainees are given permanent work contracts once they successfully finish their vocational training.

High level of practice orientation

Another key component of working at MediaMarkt is a high level of practice orientation from the word go. This means that vocational trainees are given the opportunity to get to know all the departments and categories of products in a store, while more experienced employees are provided with regular product, customer relations or sales strategy training courses.

At MediaMarkt, the individual strengths of employees are cultivated to enable them to develop their full potential. Employees are provided with individual support during their vocational training and later they profit from a mentoring system. Every employee is also given a great deal of individual responsibility and autonomy is encouraged. At MediaMarkt, people are the key – that is the core principle of our corporate philosophy.

Working in the service of our customers

Ultimately, MediaMarkt employees are always working in the service of our customers. Some customers need extensive expert advice. Others know exactly what they want but just can’t find the right product on the shelves. Others want to take a closer look at the products and have someone demonstrate how they work. Even when they cannot immediately be seen, be it in the back office or in the warehouse, MediaMarkt employees are always there to provide customers with expert advice and be at their service whenever they are needed.

MediaMarkt is one of the best known companies in Europe and is renowned for its attention-grabbing advertising. The swirl in MediaMarkt’s logo is characteristic of the whole company. Permanently low prices and sensational advertising are constantly causing a stir within the industry. Surveys confirm that MediaMarkt creates advertising that people remember best. And the core advertising concept that has been used since the company was founded is still in place today and focuses on honesty, individuality and humor.

The tried-and-tested advertising concept is very similar in all the countries in which the company operates. The advertising is intended to attract attention and speak to people’s emotions. This is why the name and logo are the same in all the countries and advertising slogans are simply translated or adapted slightly. Nevertheless, there are also advertising campaigns that have been developed specifically for a particular country in order to reach customers in that country more effectively.

After all, people in Belgium or Spain might laugh at different things compared to people in Russia or Turkey. The resounding success and ongoing growth of MediaMarkt in all the countries in which it operates proves that this brand strategy works. And after all, millions of customers cannot be wrong.

More than 800 stores with sales floors measuring up to 10,000 square meters in 14 countries, an average assortment of 45,000 articles and an integrated online offering – these are the key data of a business enterprise whose extraordinary dynamic growth has kept the industry holding its breath for more than 35 years. Innovative, customer oriented and highly competitive, MediaMarkt is continually enhancing its position as the Number One consumer electronics retailer in Europe.

Why is that? The answer is simple. The business concept is based on innovation, drive and modern personnel management. This principle can be applied in all the countries and yet be individually adapted to the local customers’ needs. The decentralized corporate structure grants a high degree of freedom to each store manager. True to the motto “all business is local”, they are responsible for deciding on the product portfolio, personnel and marketing for their respective store. This allows the managers of stores from Lisbon to Novosibirsk to tailor the range of products they offer to the local context in which they operate and to guarantee a high level of customer orientation. With this strategy, MediaMarkt has become a real export hit, and the concept has also proven successful internationally. MediaMarkt stores and online shops are popular shopping destinations in Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Russia and nine other countries in Europe.

  • Registered office:
    Wankelstraße 5
    85046 Ingolstadt
  • Contact:
    Phone: +49(0) 841 634-0
    Fax: +49(0) 841 634-2478
    E-Mail: [email protected]

Pieter August Haas (Chairman), Wolfgang Kirsch

Responsible for the content of this website according to § 5 TMG:
Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH, Corporate Communications
E-Mail: [email protected]

Entry in the commercial register of Ingolstadt District Court: HRB 1123
VAT identification number: DE 165229796

You are a journalist and have further questions or need more information about MediaMarkt? The corporate communications team is here to help you with any inquiries. Just call us or send us an E-Mail:

Corporate Communications

Wankelstraße 5
85046 Ingolstadt
Phone: +49(0) 841 634-1111
Fax: +49(0) 841 634-2478
E-Mail: [email protected]

Please notice that we will only reply to editorial questions from journalists. For customer inquiries please contact your local store.

Protecting the privacy of every individual on the Internet is a crucial part of gaining and keeping the trust of our customers. Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH (MSH) hopes that the privacy policy outlined below serves as an indication of its commitment to protecting the security and privacy of your personal data.

The data collected during your visit to the website mediamarkt.com is anonymous and is used for statistical purposes only. When you visit the website mediamarkt.com, we do not collect any personal data about you (e.g. your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address) unless you voluntarily choose to provide us with this information (e.g. by registering or responding to a survey), you provide your consent, or if we are obliged to do so by law.

We only store your personal data if you provide your explicit consent beforehand, e.g. when establishing contact or obtaining information. This allows you to decide whether you wish to transfer the data you supply when registering or responding to a survey for storage and use by us. If you agree, MSH can use your data to respond to inquiries or to improve our services and products, for example. MSH will collect, process and use the personal data supplied explicitly by you online only for the purposes communicated to you and will not disclose it to third parties, or only with your permission, unless disclosure is necessary to negotiate and perform a contract with you,

3. Data protection on all MSH websites

As a multinational company, MSH operates websites in different countries. Information which you supply to a website in one country can therefore be transmitted electronically to the server for this website or to a different country. In this case, we will protect your data by subjecting all our websites to the international data protection regulations described here. In addition, every MSH employee is obligated to protect confidential information and to observe our privacy policies.

MSH takes online security very seriously. Therefore the security mechanisms used to protect your data are checked and updated regularly to provide effective protection against abuse.

5. Which information may be gathered?

Logfiles: MSH stores the following information, so-called logfiles, for technical reasons standardly, if you visit the website mediamarkt.com:

• IP-address of the accessing computer
• Website from which you visit our website (referrer)
• Websites which you visit from our website
• Date and duration of your visit
• Browser type and browser settings
• Operating system

User registration is only performed with your express permission in order to provide you with, for example, the information you request, product information, news or press material.

E-mail addresses are only stored with your express permission and are only used to make contact with you. Under no circumstances will we provide your e-mail address to third parties outside of the MSH Group. If you do not wish to receive e-mails or newsletters from us, you can cancel these at any time or upon receipt, and you may request that your personal data be deleted. When e-mail are sent, personal data may be transmitted to MSH automatically. MSH will of course treat this information confidentially. If, from the website mediamarkt.com, you register for services provided by third parties outside of the MSH Group, it may be necessary to transmit some of your registration information to the service provider. This is performed within the context of the requested service and only with your consent.

On our website, we offer you so-called social plug-ins from various social networks (e.g. facebook’s “Like”-Button). If you are a member of a social network and click on the according social plug-in, the provider of the social network may be able to link information on your visit of our website to your profile data. Please contact the operator of the according social network for detailed information on such functionalities. If you visit one of our web pages that contain such plug-ins, your browser retrieves the plug-in from the servers of the social network and displays it as part of our website. It is possible that the provider of the social network transfers cookies or so-called web beacons to your computer. For detailed information, please visit the privacy policy of the respective social network. If you would like to disable such functions, please familiarize yourself with the settings of your browser concerning the handling of cookies and web beacons. You can get this information from the manufacturer of your browser or the providers of so-called browser extensions and plug-ins.

On our website, we install so-called cookies. Cookies are text files which allow us to arrange your visit at our website comfortable. This includes, for example, preferences for the illustration of our website and the possibility of single sign-on, so you have to register on our website just once even if you want to use offers of ours product partners. Cookies contain a definite letter-figures combination that identifies your used browser. These cookies will be stored on your computer temporarily and only transmitted to ours servers if you visit our website. MSH used mainly session cookies, which will not be stored on your hard disk and they will be deleted when you close your browser or after inactivity for a lengthy period of time. Some cookies will be stored on your hard disk for a longer period of time.

You can inspect and delete the stored cookies on your computer and you can control in general the handling of them through the settings of your browser. Further information hereto you will get from your used browser manufacturer or through the help function of your used browser. Please note that if you do not allow cookies, the features of mediamarkt.com can be restricted or may be not available.

Third-party cookies
We place advertisements on other websites via advertising partners or advertising networks. These advertising partners install so-called third-party cookies, which will be activated when visiting the website mediamarkt.com and they will be determined from respective advertising partner. These third-party cookies are used for performance measurement and for accounting of engaged advertising efforts between advertising partners and us. Thereby no personal data will be stored but only the call up of the website mediamarkt.com will be registered at the advertising effort of the advertising partner. Third-party cookies are temporary stored and they will be stored in your browser for a maximum of 540 days after your last call up of the website. After this period the cookies expired automatically.

We would like to present advertising, which is interesting for you. Therefore we utilize so-called retargeting on our website to present personalized advertising. When visiting the website mediamarkt.com our retargeting partners stored temporary cookies via your browser on your computer. These temporary stored cookies enable ours retargeting partners to recognize visitors of our website under a pseudonym and to display only advertising that will be interesting for our visitors.

How you can turn off retargeting?
If you do not wish to receive personalized advertising through retargeting, please use one of the following possibilities to contradict with effect to the future:

Using of Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. In case IP-anonymization is activated on this website, your IP-address will be truncated within the area of Member States of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

If you do not wish to receive further information from MSH via e-mail, you can cancel your permission at any time. If you wish to be deleted from the e-mail distribution list or a registration database, all you have to do is send an e-mail to E-Mail. However, you can cancel a newsletter or the sending of information via e-mail in a more convenient and secure manner by clicking on the link at the end of an e-mail and following the instructions.

Our website includes links to other websites. MSH is not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of other websites. If, when using one of these links, you come across content which violates current law or could cause damage, please let us know by sending an e-mail to: E-Mail.

10. Data Protection Procedure List

Here you can access the Data Protection Procedure List in compliance with § 4g paragraph 2, section 2 German Data Protection Act.

Каталоги и акции магазина Media Markt - Медиа Маркт в Оренбурге

В городе Оренбург мы нашли 2 магазина Media Markt - Медиа Маркт. Ниже представлены журналы, которые вы всегда можете найти в магазинах сети Media Markt - Медиа Маркт рядом с вашим домом сегодня.

Для вашего удобства мы вы собрали все актуальные предложения со скидками и акциями ваших любимых магазинов у нас на сайте, чтобы вы могли заранее спланировать, что именно вы хотите купить по акции сегодня и по какой цене.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:
